Getting seven to eight hours of sleep and still tired? It's not the amount of sleep you get, it's the quality!
Reasons why you may not be sleeping and how to fix it!
- Fatigue - Some chronic conditions, including pain conditions, metabolic or thyroid conditions and anemia, can cause fatigue. You may also just need more sleep than the seven hours you’re getting.
- Sedentary lifestyle - If you’re not usually very active, the body can get used to only having to expend low levels of energy, so you may feel more tired than you should when just doing basic daily activities make sure your getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity a week may help.
- Inconsistent sleep - If your sleep schedule is all over the place or you stay up late and sleep in on the weekends, it can feel like jet lag and leave you struggling to get back on track with sleep. The more consistent your sleep routine, the better it is for quality sleep.
- Dehydration - Not drinking enough water can leave us feeling less alert and more tired.
- Poor sleep environment - Good sleep hygiene includes a cool, dark and quiet bedroom, as well avoiding caffeine within six hours of bedtime and not having alcohol or spicy foods at least two hours before bed.
- Sleep partner problems - The person or pet you share a bed with also has a big impact on your sleep. If they snore or toss and turn, it can keep you from getting the rest you need and it may be time to sleep apart in order to sleep better.