Out on the dating circle? Make sure you’re up to date on three new dating trends in 2022 !
- Breadcrumbing: The toxic flirt – When you’re dating a breadcrumber you’re probably stuck somewhere in between friends and more than friends. These people like to drop “crumbs” of attention to keep their dates hanging around and interested but that’s about it. If you start to feel like your relationship with this person isn’t going anywhere, keep in mind they could be breadcrumbing you.
- Mindful sex: Reconnecting with the moment – This can be the difference between good sex and really great sex because you’re actually present in the moment rather than thinking about anything else like what you’re going to eat for dinner. If practiced as a couple, mindful sex allows you “to reconnect with your body, the present moment, and your partner.”
- Zombieing: The (unwelcome return of the ex) – Just when you thought that ex was in your past for good, they return (just like how zombies do from the dead). They probably disappeared with no explanation and then decided one day at the most inconvenient time to pop back up in your life as if nothing happened. When you get “zombied” by an ex, you have full permission to ghost them, change their contact to “do not answer” and block them.