Ladies, what’s something that wasn’t worth the hype?” Check these comments!
- “Being a bridesmaid or otherwise standing up in a wedding. It seems so exciting and you feel so honored. In reality, it’s expensive and exhausting.”
- “French kissing. Ended up feeling very grossed out by it and it activates my gag reflex.”
- Threesomes. I thought it would be so sexy and bold. But it was just all about the two guys getting what they wanted.”
- “At the risk of sounding boring (which I am), air frying. It’s just a fan oven as far as I can tell. Not my best purchase.”
- “Pregnancy. Obviously a means to a worthwhile end. But d*mn.”
- “Shaving. When I was a kid I thought it would make me feel so confident and good about myself but it just turned into a hassle of constantly feeling bumpy and prickly and wasting hours in the shower.”
- “Alcohol. Tastes like sh*t when you’re doing it. Makes you feel like sh*t after. All for a couple hours of fun.”
- “I feel like having bigger boobs is so overhyped. When I hit puberty and started to grow boobs all the women in my life told me how lucky I was to have them … Don’t even get me started on the back pain that I get.”
- “Dyeing or bleaching hair. Looks great, but so expensive to maintain … Same with fake nails.”
- “Disney World. I went expecting to be in awe the whole time and all I did was spend entirely too much money on subpar food.”
- “Having a big wedding. Cost over $25,000 for one day then my husband left me after a year.”
- “Buying my first home. I thought I would feel amazing and have a sense of accomplishment. All I got was sad about having to hand over most of my life savings for the down payment.