The American Kennel Club has provided a list of safe and healthy foods to feed your dogs at Thanksgiving, as well as foods you should specifically prevent your pets from getting to.
Here's what to know ahead of your Thanksgiving feast.
Safe & Healthy Foods To Feed Your Dogs at Thanksgiving
- Sweet Potatoes- great source of dietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and beta-carotene; should not be given if they contain any added ingredients.
- Potatoes- Only boiled or baked potatoes served in moderation without butter, sour cream salt or pepper.
- Apples- full of vitamins A and C and contain great fiber; must be cut around the core as large amounts of apple seeds can be toxic.
- Turkey meat (no bones or skin)- must be prepared without seasoning; outer layer is likely to have ingredients that cause pancreatitis or other issues.
- Green beans- contain large amounts of plant fiber, manganese and vitamins C and K; must be prepared without added ingredients.
- Plain peas- creamed peas must be avoided as they could upset a dog's stomach.
- Pumpkin- helps with digestive health and is great for dogs' skin and coat; must not be pre-spiced pie mix.
- Frozen yogurt (dessert)- contains calcium, protein and live bacteria acting as probiotics to provide nutrients.
Unsafe & Unhealthy Foods To Avoid at Thanksgiving
- Turkey bones, skin and gravy
- Stuffing
- Casseroles
- Mashed potatoes
- Creamed peas
- Chocolate, cookies, pies and sweets (especially anything containing xylitol)
- Alcoholic beverages
- Raisins and grapes
- Onions, scallions and garlic
- Ham
- Yeast dough
- Fatty foods
- Foods containing spices
The AKC also warns pet owners to keep the scent of trash out of reach as dogs are super smellers and could be tempted to get into the remains of your holiday meal.