Happy National Lazy Mom’s Day! Unlike Mother’s Day, this is a newbie on the holiday front and it doesn’t get much attention, but it happens on the first Friday of September every year. Want to make the most of this day that encourages moms to take it easy? Here are a few ways to celebrate being lazy.
- Prepare your kids- It’s okay to tell the kiddos, “If you need a kiss or a hug, no problem. Anything else, ask your father!”
- Sleep- Moms can’t really sleep in when they have kids to get to school and work to do, but an afternoon nap could be in order. If you can squeeze in a short snooze, this is the day to do it!
- Ignore the chores- Lazy Mom’s Day should also be a No Chore Day for moms, so don’t do dishes, wash clothes or any other housework you typically do. Even if no one else picks up the slack and your house looks like a pack of wild animals moved in, you can deal with it all tomorrow.
- Whatever you do, don’t cook- It should go without saying, but moms shouldn’t be making meals on their lazy holiday. That’s what takeout is for!
- Unplug from social media- While you’re giving yourself rest today, why not give social media one, too. Stay away from that time-sucking rabbit hole for one day and enjoy the peace it brings.
- Do your favorite pre-mom thing- What did you love to do before you had kids? Think back to the days when you had endless time to spend on your interests and passions and indulge in one of those activities today.
- Pamper yourself- Head to the spa for a massage or a facial if you can swing it, or if you just want to be lazy at home a DIY manicure and a long soak in the tub can do the trick.