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Nothing Says "Happy Holidays" Like Mariah Carey's Irish Cream Liqueurs

Mariah Carey is jumping into the booze business with her new Black Irish brand of Irish Cream Liqueurs. So far, there will be three varieties:

  • Original Irish Cream
  • Salted Caramel
  • White Chocolate

Of course, this isn’t her first foray into the food and beverage biz. Last year she launched a own line of mail-order cookies, Mariah’s Cookies, in a collaboration with restauranteur Robert Earl.

As for the name, ‘Black Irish,’ Mariah chose it as “a playful nod” to her Black and Irish heritage. The bottle design is personal, too. Look for a cap and seal with her “MC” initials as well as her signature butterfly. "I have been putting my heart into this project for almost two years and I am so excited to finally share this news with you all," she says in a statement. "I wanted to create something that embodies the holidays and gives everyone a reason to celebrate year-round, and I really think we have done that with Black Irish."

The liqueurs are crafted and produced in Ireland and retail for $3.99 for a 50ml bottle and $29.99 for a 750ml version

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