- Five Oceans. It’s no longer just the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic oceans you need to remember. There’s also the Southern Ocean now. Geographers have been debating whether the water around Antarctica was unique enough to deserve its own label, and it seems like the nerds won out because it’s now officially recognized as the world’s fifth ocean.
- Eight Continents. Ever heard of Zealandia? Probably not but geologists are pushing for this submerged landmass beneath New Zealand and New Caledonia to be recognized as Earth's eighth continent.
- Witches In Salem Weren’t Burned At The Stake. The good news is witches were not burnt at the stake in Salem. The bad news is that they were hanged. And even worse news is the majority of accused sorcerers died in jail while awaiting trial.
- Electrons Don’t Orbit The Nucleus. If your brain still conjures the image of electrons orbiting a nucleus like the planets, sorry, but according to Life hacker’s Senior Health Editor Beth Skwarecki, that has been “considered outdated since the 1920s.” Atoms still have all the pieces you remember but scientists simply do not actually know where electrons are so they refer to their location as an “electron cloud. ”It’s simply their best guess of where they hang out.