- They Take Strategic Notes. Smart folks only take a few notes during meetings. Why? Because they spend most of their time actively listening. Concentrate on only writing down the action items you need to take care of and things you can’t afford to forget.
- They Make Eye Contact. These meeting all-stars do not have a superpower that lets them know exactly how to respond to people’s needs in the room. They’re simply great at making eye contact with speakers and paying attention to body language. Smart people are amazing at reading into the things people are saying non-verbally and anticipating what people need because of it.
- They Have A Clear Goal In Mind. Smart people come prepared. Not just with pens and notebooks but with the knowledge of exactly what they hope to learn, contribute or discuss in the meeting.
- Their Phone Is For Fact-Checking. If you see a smart person in a meeting reach for a phone it’s either to fact check something or to run a calculation. It’s a meeting enhancement tool. It’s not a meeting distraction tool. If you can’t tell the difference, keep your phone in your pocket.