Author Shawn Achor, says doing 4 things everyday will bring you daily happiness. Take 21 minutes out of each day for your own sanity!
If you get a chance Shawn' s book "The Happiness Advantage" is a good read! Check out his 4 tips below!
- Two minutes of emailing- Write a two-minute max email every day to praise or thank a different person in your life. You may get positive emails back in response, but the habit also increases your social connection - meaning the depth and meaning in your social relationships – and Achor says it’s the greatest predictor of long-term happiness.
- Fifteen minutes of movement- Just a quarter-hour of cardio a day “can be the equivalent of taking an antidepressant,” according to Achor. He explains that it’s like “a gateway drug” because people who start with this small amount of exercise tend to start adding on more positive habits.
- Two minutes of meditation- Before you roll your eyes and think you “can’t” meditate, know that he’s only suggesting two minutes of “simply watching your breath go in and out.” Simple, right? And that habit has been found to improve accuracy on tasks by 10%, as well as lower stress and improve sleep.
- Two minutes of journaling- Think about a positive, meaningful experience that happened over the last 24 hours, then jot down three bullet point details about it, like where you were, what you said and what you were wearing. This quick gratitude journaling can “significantly decrease pain symptoms, decrease stress and increase the amount of meaning you feel in your life,” Achor says