It’s normal to be worried about things now and then, but the amount of time women are worrying these days, leaves us a bit, well, worried.
A new survey finds:
- Women spend an average of two and a half hours a day worrying.
- That translates to about a full month of worrying each year.
- That’s much more than men, who worry just an hour and a half each day.
- 10% of men say they spend no time at all worrying.
- 64% of women say they have periods in their life where they feel constantly worried.
- As for the things they worry most about:
- What's going on in the world at the moment
- Not getting enough sleep
- Financial worries
- Putting on weight
- A relative or friend's bad health
- Getting older
- Family safety
- Your appearance
- Being late or running out of time to do something
- Work
But even with all this worrying, the one thing many aren’t worrying about is their health.
- 57% of wo\men say all this worry leads to them neglecting their own health.
- 72% have actually not paid attention to their health symptoms, blaming them on stress and tiredness.