- 91% of managers say companies have loosed up over the past decade.
- As for the reasons, 59% say it’s due to looser societal standards, while 52% say it’s because companies are catering to younger professionals.
Still, there are some behaviors that companies still don’t find acceptable, with the most common being the use of foul language (54%). Other frowned upon behavior includes:
- Bringing pets to the office (51%)
- Political décor (48%)
- Streaming political events (44%)
- Listening to music without headphones (41%)
- Streaming sports events (39%)
- Conversations about politics (33%)
But there are some office behaviors that used to be considered a no-no but are becoming more and more accepted, including visible tattoos, which 22% of managers say are still unacceptable although 35% are now fine with it. Other once taboo behaviors that are okay now include:
- Non-traditional piercings (33% say acceptable vs. 29% say it isn’t)
- Casual attire (34% vs. 16%)
- Casual language or emojis in emails (30% vs. 26%)
- Non-traditional hair colors (35% vs. 23%)