A third of Americans sleep with a “comfort object” from childhood, according to new research.
From a special pillow, a blanket or a stuffed animal held over from when they were little, 34 percent keep something of sentimental value close to them while they sleep.
The survey of 2,000 Americans looked at our nighttime habits and routines, including the quirky things that help us catch some z’s.
Forty-one percent have nighttime rituals to help them fall asleep on time, including checking that the doors are locked (32 percent), listening to music (30 percent) and putting on a specific movie or TV show (28 percent).
This was in addition to spending time on their phone (28 percent) and reading a book (27 percent).
Others find it helpful to take a warm bath or shower (26 percent), eat a snack (21 percent) and take vitamins and supplements (18 percent).