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Where Do You Think The Germiest Parts Of Your Car Are?

While lots of people take care of the outside of their car by bringing it to a car wash, the inside of their vehicle probably doesn’t get as good a cleaning, which means it could be filled with a lot of germs. But it turns out those germs are probably not in the areas you think they are.

A new consumer survey and car swab test conducted by CloroxPro reveals just how dirty the insides of our cars are, and how clueless most people are about germs in their vehicles. The survey finds that overall, most drivers believe the germiest places in their car are ones they touch a lot, like the steering wheel (63%), door handle (45%) and gear shift (39%). But the swab test proves that’s not the case at all.

The truth is, the germiest spots in cars are the front seat cup holder (1,179 germs), the dashboard air vent (1,082 germs) and the driver side floor mats (1,197 germs). And the difference is actually quite huge, with the steering wheel only containing 408 germs, while the door handle has only 375.

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