Yesterday I started my day like any other normal work day.Produced some commercial’s, getting ready to do some prep work for my air show, and an entertainment bulletin comes across my phone “90’s teenage heartthrob Luke Perry has died at the age of 52.”My phone shortly after blew up with text messages from high school friends with messages: “Did you see Dylan died L”“Dylan can’t be dead”
Today’s generation will never understand the commitment it took , to make sure you were home Thursday’s to watch Beverly Hills 90210 or hope to remember to program the VCR if you weren’t going to be. There were no apps we could catch the show on later, no you tube we could watch a shorter version, and if you missed the show you missed being a part of the conversation at school the next day.
Beverly Hills 90210 -home of Brandon, Dylan, Kelly, Brenda, Donna, David and Andrea, and Thursdays I invited them into my life through the magic of TV rabbit ears where they became a part of my circle of friends. Today we 90’s kid’s lost a friend. Allison