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Can You Top This Mother-In-Law Story?

  • Source: Café Mom

  • A mother shared on Reddit the worst mother-in-law story possible
  • The woman says while she and her husband were away on an emergency trip, the MIL told their kids their parents had died and they would be living with her forever
  • The mom was furious, although some folks suggested maybe the MIL had dementia
  • They got the MIL tested and she’s fine, admitting she did it for revenge

We have previously shared with you lots of mother-in-law horror stories, but this story has to be the ACTUAL worst. A mother recently revealed on Reddit that when she and her husband left her kids with her MIL she actually told the kids their parents had DIED!

The woman explained that after her husband’s good friend passed away in a car accident they needed to make some last minute travel plans to be with the man’s wife. As a last resort, they left the kids with her mother-in-law, even though the mom didn’t trust the MIL because she previously lied to her kids telling them mommy was pregnant again...and other things.

Everything seemed okay at first, but took a turn - MIL stopped sending updates to the parents, and soon another in-law called her with disturbing news: Apparently the MIL decided to tell the kids that their parents HAD DIED and they would now be staying with her forever. As you can imagine the mom was furious, and of course, the Internet is as well.

  • Folks on Reddit chimed in with their thoughts on the MIL’s horrible actions with one person noting the MIL is “lucky to still be above ground,” and another adding, "How did she think this was going to end?”
  • Others came to the grandmother’s defense, suggesting that maybe she’s suffering from dementia, but it turns out the couple decided to get the MIL tested and, “everything came back clear -- she’s healthy as a horse for her age."
  • Turns out the MIL admitted she did it to get back at her daughter-in-law for "something along the lines of 'making her look like a fool to her friends' when we shut down her baby/pregnancy/infertility claims.”
  • Now the mom and her husband have agreed they will be cutting off his mother, and they’re even thinking of moving to get away from the MIL and not telling her. 

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