The Full Story:
The Camp Fire is now the deadliest and most destructive fire in California’s history and while there is a lot of devastation to report on, we want to tell you about the uplifting news, too. Here are some stories about everyday heroes reminding us there’s still a lot of good out there.
“Bus Driver From Heaven” Rescues Kids From Wildfire:
Kevin McKay had been a bus driver for Ponderosa Elementary School in Paradise, California for a couple of months before the Camp Fire spread in the area on November 8th. And when two dozen students were stranded at school because family members couldn’t get there because of the blaze, McKay drove the bus to evacuate them to safety. Teachers Abbie Davis and Mary Ludwig rode with McKay and the students on five-hour trek as flames burned all around them. When the kids couldn’t breathe because of the smoke, McKay took off his shirt and the teachers tore it apart, soaked it with the one bottle of water on the bus, and gave the pieces to the kids to help them breathe. Davis admits she thought they might die, but McKay kept going and the kids were reunited with their parents. Ludwig says, “We had the bus driver from heaven.”
Source: CNN
Canadian Couple Spends Vacation Helping Wildfire Victims:
Canadian couple Paul and Destinee Klyne were set to go on their vacation in Paradise, California, but the Airbnb they were supposed to stay in burned to the ground from the wildfires shortly before they were to leave. But instead of cancelling their trip, the couple decided to go anyway and spend their vacation helping those affected by the wildfire. The Klynes went to Chico and used their vacation funds to buy $25 gift cards to pass out to those in need, and they passed out food and provided emotional support to evacuees as well. “Especially in the times that we’re in now, with the political climate,” Destinee says, “It’s kind of nice to say, ‘You are our American neighbors and we love you.’”
Source: TravelPulse
Family Returns Home From Evacuating To Find Dog Guarding House
While rushing to escape the deadly Camp Fire in California, the Copsey family had to grab what they could and get out fast. In the chaos, mom Leahna was able to get daughters Emma and Clarisa, but they weren’t sure where their border collie, Ella was. They had to leave and hoped for the best, but when the family found out their home burned to the ground, they feared Ella was gone, too. But when a friend was able to get back to the area two days later, they saw Ella, through the haze, sitting and protecting the next door neighbor’s home, the last house still standing on the block. Ella’s paws are burned and she was exhausted after her ordeal, but this guard dog is going to be okay.
Source: New York Post