What will be picked up during Clean up Week?
Household quantities of bulky and household items - items at the end of their useful life, such as appliances, furniture, junk, etc.--Items considered 'Household Hazardous Waste' will not be collected. This includes paint cans, oil containers, stains, varnishes, solvents, pesticides, herbicides, or car care products. An annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection is scheduled every spring for City of Minot Sanitation Customers.
Where should I place the discarded materials during the Clean up Week?
Place your items by 7:00 am on your scheduled collection day. Place the items on the front yard boulevard. If you have alley collection your bin will still be picked up in the alley, but the extra materials will need to be on the boulevard. Please leave room around your garbage can so the trucks can pick up the can. Different crews will be coming by to pick up your extra trash.
I live in an apartment with private collection, can I still participate?
If you live in an apartment you are serviced by a private hauler hired by the property owner. Residents with private collection will not be eligible to participate in the Spring or Fall Clean Up.
See city map below for pickup days!
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