Brace yourself, people. Apparently Barbie has a last name … and it’s not Doll. If you’ve been living your life this whole time thinking she was a one name gal, like Oprah or Cher, you’re not alone. But it turns out, our old childhood friend has a family name and we’re not sure how we missed this.
The news of Barbie’s last name sent many Twitter users into low-key freakout mode last week. It all started on National Siblings Day (April 10) when the @Barbie Twitter account tweeted a brief message in honor of the holiday: “Happy #SiblingsDay, from the Roberts sisters,” along with a photo of Barbie and her three sisters.
And while some tweeted that they had no idea Barbie even had sisters, lots of folks were blown away that Roberts is her last name. Her full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, in fact. The iconic doll was created in the 1950s by Ruth Handler, who founded the Mattel toy company with her husband, Elliot, and Harold Matson. She named the doll after her own daughter and a legend was born.