It might seem like we’re in the age of equality, but realistically, mean girls exist all around us. They’re everywhere. And it’s not so far off that we might be one of them from time to time. If you want to make sure you’re not falling into the trap of being a mean girl, here are the ten commandments of the game:
- “Thou shall include everyone.”
- “Thou shall not judge.”
- “Thou shall not make derogatory comments about another woman’s looks.”
- “Thou shall empower each other.”
- “Thou shall refrain from calling anyone ‘cheap.’”
- “Thou shall not gossip about a friend.”
- “Thou shall not stab other women in the back.”
- “Thou shall not be a bully.”
- “Thou shall not steal friends, clients, or lovers.”
- “Thou shall treat others the way we want to be treated.”
It’s not THAT hard to not be a mean girl. Get it in your head that your goal is to be nice and kind to EVERYONE, and the rest should fall into place.