51% of dog owners admit they sometimes skip out on being social in order to spend time with their pooches, while 75% don’t like to be away from their dogs at all60% of dog owners say their pooch takes care of them in some way, with 82% of people saying their mental and emotional health has improved because of their dog81% of owners say they talk to their dog like they’re a friend, with owners who are single twice as likely to discuss their relationship issues with their dog.
It’s no secret that most dog owners love their dogs, and it turns out, they love them so much they’d rather spend time with their four-legged friends than their two-legged counterparts.
A new survey of 2,000 dog owners finds that 51% admit they sometimes skip out on being social in order to spend time with their pooches, while 75% don’t like to be away from their dogs at all. And while you think people are missing out on companionship by not going out with other people, it seems most dog owners are getting plenty of that from their four-legged family member.
Overall, 60% of dog owners say their pooch takes care of them in some way, with 82% of people saying their mental and emotional health has improved because of their dog.What’s more, 40% of dog owners say they’ve leaned on their pet as they were dealing with the loss of a loved one, and 20% have gotten through a breakup better because of their pooch.But that’s not all, 81% of owners say they talk to their dog like they’re a friend, with owners who are single twice as likely to discuss their relationship issues with their dog. And dogs are also apparently good for owners’ overall health, with two-thirds of those polled saying their dog helps them keep their exercise routine, with 62% saying their dog gets them out of the house for a walk at least two times a day and 68% saying their health has improved because of it.