- A recent Marist poll finds that one of the most popular resolutions for 2018 is “to be a better person”
- 12% of people chose that as their top goal, which is the same amount that named the more common “lose weight” as their resolution for the year
- 56% of people aren’t likely to make a resolution this year, while 44% will make one
Right about now a lot of people are probably thinking about their New Years resolutions that they'll stick to for about a week. And while a lot of people will set tangible goals, others are being a bit more philosophical.
In case you missed it, a recent Marist poll finds that one of the most popular resolutions for 2018 is “to be a better person.” In fact, 12% of people chose that as their top goal, which is the same amount that named the more common “lose weight” as their resolution for the year.
Other top resolutions this year include:
- Eating healthier (9%)
- Getting a better job (9%)
- Improve their overall health (7%)
- Quit smoking (6%),
- Spend less and save more money (6%)
And while those may be the top resolutions, it seems most folks aren’t really making any at all. The poll finds that 56% of people aren’t likely to make a resolution this year, while 44% will.
- As for whether they’ll keep their resolutions, judging by last year it seems more people stick it out than you’d think. Overall, 68% of people say they did, in fact, keep at least part of their resolution last year, although women were a bit more successful than men (69% vs. 66%).