- With Halloween approaching a lot of people will be carving out pumpkins, which will leave them with a lot of leftover pumpkin guts
- Mashable has offered a few suggestion on what you can do with them other than throw them out
- You can turn them into pumpkin juice, use them in recipes, roast the seeds, and even make a face mask out of them
In the next two weeks a lot of folks will be spending some quality time with their kids carving out pumpkins for Halloween, and while a scary jack-o-lantern makes for great decoration, carving out the guts of the pumpkin is anything but fun. The more pumpkins you carve, the more guts you’ll have to deal with, and while most people’s first instinct is to just throw them in the trash, Mashable has some great ideas for useful things you can do with them.
Things to do with pumpkin guts include:
- Make “Harry Potter” inspired pumpkin juice – “Potter” kids at Hogwarts Hall were always drinking pumpkin juice and now you can make it yourself. All you need to do is pour boiling water over the guts, mash them up and then put them through a strainer. To make it a little tastier add some apple or lemon juice and some ice.
- Toast the Pumpkin seeds – Pumpkin seeds are actually quite delicious once toasted, and are even tastier when seasoned with things like turmeric and chile powder, or even cinnamon sugar.
- Make a face mask – Pumpkin guts are full of vitamins A and C, which are perfect for a face mask. All you need to do is take out the seeds, add honey or olive oil and then blend it until it’s the consistency of paste.
- Use them in a recipe – Pumpkin is so versatile you can add it to a variety of recipes, like pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin bread and even pumpkin soup.
- Throw them at stuff – Instead of throwing them out, how about have a little food fight fun. You can get out your frustrations by simply throwing them at a wall, or even at each other, but of course there will then be more cleanup involved.