A man in Arizona caught a rattlesnake that had wandered into his yard during his child's birthday He decided to show party goers how to trap and cook the snake, but he lost his grip of the serpent...and it bit him twice He's recovering after being given multiple doses of anti-venom
Victor Pratt has learned the hard way that not all party tricks are worth it. The 47-year-old Phoenix man spotted a rattlesnake in his yard during his child's birthday party. Naturally, Pratt decided to show his guests how to trap and cook the snake. Not surprisingly, the snake wasn't into it.
After taking pictures with the critter, Pratt lost his grip on the serpent's head and it bit him twice, once on the chest and once on the face. Turns out, Pratt had been bitten once before when he was 19 and knew time was of the essence.
He was rushed to the hospital and given multiple doses of anti-venom. After five days in the hospital, he was released. Pratt's learned his lesson though. He says he "ain't gonna play with snakes no more." Probably a good idea.