Online retailer Firebox has introduced something called a “head case” which covers your suitcase in a huge photo of yourself, or anyoneThe product is designed to make sure your luggage stands out at baggage claim and doesn’t get picked up by anyone elseAll you have to do is upload a photo to Firebox and they’ll create your cover, with prices ranging from $26 to $39
Anyone who’s had to wait for their luggage at baggage claim likely knows that these days most bags look the same so it’s easy to miss your bag, or worse, have someone pick yours up by mistake. Sure, a lot of people try to make theirs stand out by either buying one in a bright color, or attaching a ribbon to it, but a company has now come up with an ingenious, and pretty hysterical, way to make sure you never miss your bag again.
In case you missed it, online retailer Firebox has introduced what they are calling a “head case,” which can completely cover your suitcase in a huge photo of yourself, or anyone you’d like, which is guaranteed to make it stand out. “Be the envy of the baggage reclaim lounge,” Firebox writes in the product’s description. “Nothing says ‘that's my luggage!’ quite like a giant version of your own face, smiling back at you as it shudders round the conveyor belt. “
And it’s certainly easy enough to order. All folks have to do is upload a high quality photo and send it to the company. The covers range in price from $26 for a small bag to $39 for a large, which certainly seems like a small price to pay to make sure you never miss your luggage again.