Boomer Habits That Drive The Kids Crazy!

We love our parents, but sometimes, they – or the things they do – can drive us crazy. A Redditor took to the forum to ask some of the “quirks” of their boomer parents, and here are the habits that drive millennial and Gen Z kids crazy.

  • "They save EVERYTHING (containers, jars, boxes, etc.) just in case they might be able to use it for something later. I feel like this habit was handed down from our grandparents' Great Depression upbringing."
  • "Will text something foreboding like 'we need to talk;' then turns out she forgot a recipe."
  • "My dad will text me 'You need to call me right now' when it’s nothing. And not tell me major life events until well after the fact. Like my aunt had a heart attack and I found out a week later from her son. (And my dad did know.)"
  • "My mom is ALWAYS telling me about dead people I’ve never met. I really do not care. I know that sounds awful, but I don’t have it in me to be sad for everyone on the planet when they pass."
  • "I'm not on Facebook, but my dad is. Last year, he made a celebratory post on my birthday, and all his church friends liked and commented on it. He printed up the post and all of the comments, stapled it into a little book, and MAILED me the printed Facebook comments..."
  • "My dad sends text messages with, 'From, Dad' at the end of them. It cracks me up every time. He also states who he is every time he calls me."
  • "You always hear a kids 'these kids always on their damn phones.' But when it comes to phone addiction, boomers are far worse."

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