"Work Spouses" - Are They A Good Idea?

  • New research reveals that 73% of workers have a “work wife” or “work husband” - described as a “special, platonic friendship with a work colleague characterized by a close emotional bond.”
  • As harmless as it may be, 43% of those with a work spouse admit they’re more likely to confide in them than their actual husband or wife.
  • Nearly half of those with a work spouse admit they’re more likely to confide in them than in their actual husband or wife.
  • Some people are really attached to this relationship, with three in 10 workers saying they’d quit their job if their work spouse left.
  • It’s probably not surprising that this can cause issues at home. One in five women and one in eight men confess that a close relationship with a coworker has caused their real partner to raise an eyebrow.
  • And that may be why 13% of women and 19% of men don’t mention that close bond they share with their work spouse to their real partner at all.
  • But there are some real benefits to having a friendship like this on the job, including having personal support at work and providing a more enjoyable work environment.

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