Everyday Things That Are Bad For Our Mental Health!

  • “Lack of Sleep,” with someone noting, “"This is one of the few mental health things I actually do make an effort to take care of. I become a non-functioning human if I get too sleep-deprived, so getting 7 or 8 hours of sleep is a top priority when I'm planning my days.”
  • "Creating negative scenarios in our mind."
  • "Paying too much attention to celebrities' personal lives."
  • "Thinking everyone’s judging us. Honestly, no one has time to do so."
  • "Too much news consumption. Read and watch enough to be updated if you have to, but don’t be glued to it all day.”
  • "Endless screen time. We talk a lot about how it affects kids but nobody discusses how harmful it is for the adult attention span."
  • "[Burnout.] With hustle culture, everyone just tries to 'power through' when they start losing interest in a passion or struggling with a profession. Sometimes the best thing to do when possible, is to give yourself some space from the activity."
  • "Not enough social interaction. "Sometimes just a hello to someone random helps."
  • "Staying silent about things that are bothering you. 'Suck it up' is not a good mantra."
  • "Too much noise. From the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep, I am surrounded by noise.… But once I am in a silent environment, I notice how relieved I feel and how tense I actually was.”
  • "A-hole family members that we all know we should cut ties with but we don't."

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