Mom's Tweet About What They Really Want For Mother's Day!

@MommaJessiec - instead of doing the 100 things I normally do, I decided to relax for Mother's Day and only do 87 of those tasks!

@Copymama - telling a mom to relax while her family does everything on Mother's Day is like telling a pilot to relax while the passengers fly the plane!

@PetrickSara - if you're not awakened by small children lovingly shoving handmade gifts in your face at 6am, is it even Mother's Day?

@Greeneyed_meg - Can't talk right now. Gotta pick out purchase and wrap my owner Mother's Day present.

@Parkerlawer - This Mother's day I would like a very cold hotel room, black out curtains, an Ambien and no other human being present. Thank you in advance.

@lhlodder - All I want for Mother's Day is to sleep for 9 straight hours, wake up to the sound of the coffee brewing and then have my husband say things like "I'm gonna entertain the kids all day so you can sit on the couch in your pjs and buy your Mother's Day gift in peace!

@TragicAllyHere - Mother's Day is a great day to relax and make sure you prove how much your kids love you on social media.

@GraggingFeeties - So many mother's day traditions, but none as close to my heart as my husband screaming at my kids to get out of the kitchen while he cooks.

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